Why push myself?
As a recovering stammerer, its so important that I continue to keep on top of my speech. In the past few weeks I have been sloppy and not been as disciplined as I would have liked. However I have no problem with this anymore as long as I continue to push myself and NEVER hold back when dealing with worlds, sounds or situations. My mindset is spot on!
I have had a lot of pressure building from uncertainty at work, my health issues and also my social life but by being positive and assertive, this has helped me to move forward and treat these situations as an opportunity to continue my amazing and exciting recovery from stammering.
Recently I have spoken at some events and been proud of myself. While in Greece last month we managed to get a group of Greek Speech Therapists together and I did a presentation about the McGuire Programme to them. This went very, although my speech was a little rushed. I really need to work harder on the pause, and FORCE myself to exaggerate it!
I then had an interview for a local newspaper as they needed a freelance photographer. The editor said he speaks to many freelance photographers but felt he could work with me!
I amazed at how well I came accross and the interview with control and honesty regarding my speech and life. Always feels better speaking well when not talking about the McGuire Programme. Makes me feel I am really moving forward and not sticking in my comfort zones.
Radio interviews are now boring and I cant believe I think like that. Doing a recent interview for BBC Wiltshire Sound was great fun and exciting. I loved it but again realised I was not resisting time pressure / pausing enough.....typical covert stammerer!!
On Saturday I attended my first British Stammering Association Open Day in London. This was a great experience meeting other stammerers and listening to other presentations as well as running our own McGuire Presentation. Again, this went very well, again too rushed and not paused enough but delighted at the responce.
I have come along way since joining the programme. Its not only giving me the tools to control my stammer but also to given me the confidence to move on and enjoy every moment in life. Pausing is not a big issue, I enjoy speaking and letting go and having fun...but I know I need to focus more on the pause as when I use it well, my speech is amazing.
My advice to anyone who stammers would be to do one thing every day that is a challenge. This might not be a big challenge but could be a small one. My challenge today is to use a 5 second pause when speaking to a out of control stammerer shortly....go for is and dont hold back because if you go for it, this will open up opportunities you would never thought exsisted.
I have had a lot of pressure building from uncertainty at work, my health issues and also my social life but by being positive and assertive, this has helped me to move forward and treat these situations as an opportunity to continue my amazing and exciting recovery from stammering.
Recently I have spoken at some events and been proud of myself. While in Greece last month we managed to get a group of Greek Speech Therapists together and I did a presentation about the McGuire Programme to them. This went very, although my speech was a little rushed. I really need to work harder on the pause, and FORCE myself to exaggerate it!
I then had an interview for a local newspaper as they needed a freelance photographer. The editor said he speaks to many freelance photographers but felt he could work with me!
I amazed at how well I came accross and the interview with control and honesty regarding my speech and life. Always feels better speaking well when not talking about the McGuire Programme. Makes me feel I am really moving forward and not sticking in my comfort zones.
Radio interviews are now boring and I cant believe I think like that. Doing a recent interview for BBC Wiltshire Sound was great fun and exciting. I loved it but again realised I was not resisting time pressure / pausing enough.....typical covert stammerer!!
On Saturday I attended my first British Stammering Association Open Day in London. This was a great experience meeting other stammerers and listening to other presentations as well as running our own McGuire Presentation. Again, this went very well, again too rushed and not paused enough but delighted at the responce.
I have come along way since joining the programme. Its not only giving me the tools to control my stammer but also to given me the confidence to move on and enjoy every moment in life. Pausing is not a big issue, I enjoy speaking and letting go and having fun...but I know I need to focus more on the pause as when I use it well, my speech is amazing.
My advice to anyone who stammers would be to do one thing every day that is a challenge. This might not be a big challenge but could be a small one. My challenge today is to use a 5 second pause when speaking to a out of control stammerer shortly....go for is and dont hold back because if you go for it, this will open up opportunities you would never thought exsisted.